Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Today's Project: Hall Closet

So after the movie today, it was time to clean out the closet.  We live on the first floor, so we have an extra closet under the stairs that lead to the second floor apartment that's above us.  This closet houses all of our junk, along with coats, shoes, DVDs, tools, and a bulky vacuum cleaner.  I've been meaning to put away the Christmas stuff for a few weeks now, but it's just been sitting on the floor outside the closet:

I vacuumed this morning, so the vacuum was out, too.  So here is the closet this morning.  Coats and shoes on the left, DVD rack on the right, and huge pile of crap in the back.  The vacuum is usually shoved in there somewhere as well.  Also on display there is a hamster ball, even though our hamster died in early December, and a license plate (still valid).  Scott had the plate zip-tied to the front of his car since in Illinois you are supposed to have a front plate as well as a back plate.  But then he hit a deer, and had to have the front of his car repaired.  The license plate was never reattached.


Okay I am aware that it still doesn't look very organized.  But at least all the Christmas stuff fits now, and the boxes are stacked on top of each other instead of just thrown in there.  And there isn't a dog crate and baby gate piled on top of everything.  Plus, the Guitar Hero guitars are more easily accessible now, which is a good thing.

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