I took the picture with my phone cam because it was the closest available camera and I was bleeding everywhere.
*Scott and I are planning on moving when our current lease is up at the end of May. However, we are having problems figuring out where to look for places that we like. All of the apartment-listing sites online have the same boring apartment complexes. We are interested in finding a house or part of a house to rent, but I don't really know how to find a place like that around here. Any suggestions?
*Scott just bought a nook color a few days ago. It is super awesome! I am loving it, and think I have spent more time playing with it than he has. I've also managed to read a book and a half since Thursday, which is more than I read in the whole month of January. All I read last month was Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert (which I didn't really like). Over the weekend I read Hairstyles of the Damned and it was really good. I actually read the whole book in less than 24 hours, just because I couldn't put it down. Now I'm reading Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray. I checked out Hairstyles of the Damned from the library website as an e-book and downloaded the free version of Dorian Gray, so they were both free. Yay!
I tried to take a picture of Kitty posing with the nook, but then she had to go and lick her face in the middle of the picture, so I ended up with this:
You are going to have a tag for your blog for "wounds" like I do.